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A theorem which asserts that if a sequence or function behaves regularly, then some average of it behaves regularly. For example, A(x)∼x implies A_1(x)=int_0^xA(t)dt∼1/2x^2 ...
Given a property P, if P(x)∼x as x->infty (so, using asymptotic notation, the number of numbers less than x not satisfying the property P is o(x), where o(x) is one of the ...
136·2^(256) approx 1.575×10^(79). According to Eddington, the exact number of protons in the universe, where 136 was the reciprocal of the fine structure constant as best as ...
To enumerate a set of objects satisfying some set of properties means to explicitly produce a listing of all such objects. The problem of determining or counting all such ...
The continued fraction ((x+1)^n-(x-1)^n)/((x+1)^n+(x-1)^n)=n/(x+)(n^2-1)/(3x+)(n^2-2^2)/(5x+...).
An algorithm which isolates roots in the complex plane by generalizing one-dimensional bracketing.
An algorithm for finding roots for quartic equations with complex roots.
sum_(k=0)^(infty)[((m)_k)/(k!)]^3 = 1+(m/1)^3+[(m(m+1))/(1·2)]^3+... (1) = (Gamma(1-3/2m))/([Gamma(1-1/2m)]^3)cos(1/2mpi), (2) where (m)_k is a Pochhammer symbol and Gamma(z) ...
A^*(x)=sum_(lambda_n<=x)^'a_n=1/(2pii)int_(c-iinfty)^(c+iinfty)f(s)(e^(sx))/sds, where f(s)=suma_ne^(-lambda_ns).
The radian is a unit of angular measure defined such that an angle of one radian subtended from the center of a unit circle produces an arc with arc length 1. A full angle is ...
