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Three or more points P_1, P_2, P_3, ..., are said to be collinear if they lie on a single straight line L. A line on which points lie, especially if it is related to a ...
A conic projection of points on a unit sphere centered at O consists of extending the line OS for each point S until it intersects a cone with apex A which tangent to the ...
A covariant tensor, denoted with a lowered index (e.g., a_mu) is a tensor having specific transformation properties. In general, these transformation properties differ from ...
Let the circles c_2 and c_3^' used in the construction of the Brocard points which are tangent to A_2A_3 at A_2 and A_3, respectively, meet again at D_A. The points D_AD_BD_C ...
The Darboux integral, also called a Darboux-Stieltjes integral, is a variant of the Stieltjes integral that is defined as a common value for the lower and upper Darboux ...
A graph in which each graph edge is replaced by a directed graph edge, also called a digraph. A directed graph having no multiple edges or loops (corresponding to a binary ...
A doubly stochastic matrix is a matrix A=(a_(ij)) such that a_(ij)>=0 and sum_(i)a_(ij)=sum_(j)a_(ij)=1 is some field for all i and j. In other words, both the matrix itself ...
A means of describing how one state develops into another state over the course of time. Technically, a dynamical system is a smooth action of the reals or the integers on ...
The first practical algorithm for determining if there exist integers a_i for given real numbers x_i such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, or else establish bounds within ...
A field is any set of elements that satisfies the field axioms for both addition and multiplication and is a commutative division algebra. An archaic name for a field is ...
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