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Euclidean n-space, sometimes called Cartesian space or simply n-space, is the space of all n-tuples of real numbers, (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n). Such n-tuples are sometimes called ...
The hat is a caret-shaped symbol commonly placed on top of variables to give them special meaning. The symbol x^^ is voiced "x-hat" (or sometimes as "x-roof") in mathematics, ...
An infinitesimal transformation of a vector r is given by r^'=(I+e)r, (1) where the matrix e is infinitesimal and I is the identity matrix. (Note that the infinitesimal ...
The interior product is a dual notion of the wedge product in an exterior algebra LambdaV, where V is a vector space. Given an orthonormal basis {e_i} of V, the forms ...
The line integral of a vector field F(x) on a curve sigma is defined by int_(sigma)F·ds=int_a^bF(sigma(t))·sigma^'(t)dt, (1) where a·b denotes a dot product. In Cartesian ...
There are at least two distinct notions of linear space throughout mathematics. The term linear space is most commonly used within functional analysis as a synonym of the ...
Let u_(p) be a unit tangent vector of a regular surface M subset R^3. Then the normal curvature of M in the direction u_(p) is kappa(u_(p))=S(u_(p))·u_(p), (1) where S is the ...
Let a line in three dimensions be specified by two points x_1=(x_1,y_1,z_1) and x_2=(x_2,y_2,z_2) lying on it, so a vector along the line is given by v=[x_1+(x_2-x_1)t; ...
Let X be a normed space and X^(**)=(X^*)^* denote the second dual vector space of X. The canonical map x|->x^^ defined by x^^(f)=f(x),f in X^* gives an isometric linear ...
Let M be a regular surface with v_(p),w_(p) points in the tangent space M_(p) of M. For M in R^3, the second fundamental form is the symmetric bilinear form on the tangent ...
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