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The Legendre differential equation is the second-order ordinary differential equation (1-x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)-2x(dy)/(dx)+l(l+1)y=0, (1) which can be rewritten ...
The Lerch transcendent is generalization of the Hurwitz zeta function and polylogarithm function. Many sums of reciprocal powers can be expressed in terms of it. It is ...
The limaçon is a polar curve of the form r=b+acostheta (1) also called the limaçon of Pascal. It was first investigated by Dürer, who gave a method for drawing it in ...
The intersection of two lines L_1 and L_2 in two dimensions with, L_1 containing the points (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2), and L_2 containing the points (x_3,y_3) and (x_4,y_4), is ...
The (m,n)-lollipop graph is the graph obtained by joining a complete graph K_m to a path graph P_n with a bridge. Precomputed properties of lollipop graphs are available in ...
The longhorn graph is the graph on 7 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["LonghornGraph"].
The standard Lorentzian inner product on R^4 is given by -dx_0^2+dx_1^2+dx_2^2+dx_3^2, (1) i.e., for vectors v=(v_0,v_1,v_2,v_3) and w=(w_0,w_1,w_2,w_3), ...
The Loupekine snarks are the two snarks on 22 vertices and 33 edges illustrated above. They are implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["LoupekineSnark1"] and ...
Roughly speaking, a tangent vector is an infinitesimal displacement at a specific point on a manifold. The set of tangent vectors at a point P forms a vector space called the ...
A function that arises in performance analysis of partially coherent, differentially coherent, and noncoherent communications. The generalized Marcum Q-function is defined by ...
