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361 - 370 of 1215 for unique factorization domainSearch Results

Given a real number q>1, the series x=sum_(n=0)^inftya_nq^(-n) is called the q-expansion, or beta-expansion (Parry 1957), of the positive real number x if, for all n>=0, ...
Let G be a group, and let S subset= G be a set of group elements such that the identity element I not in S. The Cayley graph associated with (G,S) is then defined as the ...
A set within which the values of a function lie (as opposed to the range, which is the set of values that the function actually takes).
A map is called "one-to-one" (or "1:1") if it is injective. However, being in "one-to-one correspondence" is synonymous with being a bijection. Unfortunately, this confusing ...
Complex Analysis
Elliptic curve primality proving, abbreviated ECPP, is class of algorithms that provide certificates of primality using sophisticated results from the theory of elliptic ...
Given a positive integer m>1, let its prime factorization be written m=p_1^(a_1)p_2^(a_2)p_3^(a_3)...p_k^(a_k). (1) Define the functions h(n) and H(n) by h(1)=1, H(1)=1, and ...
A primality test that provides an efficient probabilistic algorithm for determining if a given number is prime. It is based on the properties of strong pseudoprimes. The ...
An integer is k-smooth if it has no prime factors >k. The following table gives the first few k-smooth numbers for small k. Berndt (1994, p. 52) called the 7-smooth numbers ...
The Wiener-Hopf method is a powerful technique which enables certain linear partial differential equations subject to boundary conditions on semi-infinite domains to be ...
