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351 - 360 of 1215 for unique factorization domainSearch Results
Number Theory
The composite number problem asks if for a given positive integer N there exist positive integers m and n such that N=mn. The complexity of the composite number problem was ...
Let p>3 be a prime number, then 4(x^p-y^p)/(x-y)=R^2(x,y)-(-1)^((p-1)/2)pS^2(x,y), where R(x,y) and S(x,y) are homogeneous polynomials in x and y with integer coefficients. ...
Let n be a positive integer and r(n) the number of (not necessarily distinct) prime factors of n (with r(1)=0). Let O(m) be the number of positive integers <=m with an odd ...
SNTP(n) is the smallest prime such that p#-1, p#, or p#+1 is divisible by n, where p# is the primorial of p. Ashbacher (1996) shows that SNTP(n) only exists 1. If there are ...
Let H be a Hilbert space and M a closed subspace of H. Corresponding to any vector x in H, there is a unique vector m_0 in M such that |x-m_0|<=|x-m| for all m in M. ...
For any ideal I in a Dedekind ring, there is an ideal I_i such that II_i=z, (1) where z is a principal ideal, (i.e., an ideal of rank 1). Moreover, for a Dedekind ring with a ...
The Gömböc (meaning "sphere-like" in Hungarian) is the name given to a class of convex solids which possess a unique stable and a unique unstable point of equilibrium. ...
Two nonisomorphic graphs are said to be chromatically equivalent (also termed "chromically equivalent by Bari 1974) if they have identical chromatic polynomials. A graph that ...
The midcircle of two given circles is the circle which would invert the circles into each other. Dixon (1991) gives constructions for the midcircle for four of the five ...