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The Feit-Thompson conjecture asserts that there are no primes p and q for which (p^q-1)/(p-1) and (q^p-1)/(q-1) have a common factor. Parker noticed that if this were true, ...
A Hajós group is a group for which all factorizations of the form (say) Z_n=A direct sum B have A or B periodic, where the period is a divisor of n. Hajós groups arose after ...
Given an integer sequence {a_n}_(n=1)^infty, a prime number p is said to be a primitive prime factor of the term a_n if p divides a_n but does not divide any a_m for m<n. It ...
A G-space provides local notions of harmonic, hyperharmonic, and superharmonic functions. When there exists a nonconstant superharmonic function greater than 0, it is a ...
Let f(z) be an analytic function in an angular domain W:|argz|<alphapi/2. Suppose there is a constant M such that for each epsilon>0, each finite boundary point has a ...
The set of prime numbers, sometimes denoted P (Derbyshire 2004, p. 163), and implemented in the Wolfram Language as Primes. In the Wolfram Language, a quantity can be tested ...
An algebraic structure whose elements consist of selected homeomorphisms between open subsets of a space, with the composition of two transformations defined on the largest ...
A smooth curve is a curve which is a smooth function, where the word "curve" is interpreted in the analytic geometry context. In particular, a smooth curve is a continuous ...
A sieving procedure that can be used in conjunction with Dixon's factorization method to factor large numbers n. Pick values of r given by r=|_sqrt(n)_|+k, (1) where k=1, 2, ...
The following conditions are equivalent for a conservative vector field on a particular domain D: 1. For any oriented simple closed curve C, the line integral ∮_CF·ds=0. 2. ...
