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A unique factorization domain, called UFD for short, is any integral domain in which every nonzero noninvertible element has a unique factorization, i.e., an essentially ...
In an integral domain R, the decomposition of a nonzero noninvertible element a as a product of prime (or irreducible) factors a=p_1...p_n, (1) is unique if every other ...
The term domain has (at least) three different meanings in mathematics. The term domain is most commonly used to describe the set of values D for which a function (map, ...
The property of being the only possible solution (perhaps modulo a constant, class of transformation, etc.).
The determination of a set of factors (divisors) of a given integer ("prime factorization"), polynomial ("polynomial factorization"), etc., which, when multiplied together, ...
A principal ideal domain is an integral domain in which every proper ideal can be generated by a single element. The term "principal ideal domain" is often abbreviated P.I.D. ...
A Reinhardt domain with center c is a domain D in C^n such that whenever D contains z_0, the domain D also contains the closed polydisk.
A ring that is commutative under multiplication, has a multiplicative identity element, and has no divisors of 0. The integers form an integral domain.
Evans et al. (2000, p. 6) use the unfortunate term "probability domain" to refer to the range of the distribution function of a probability density function. For a continuous ...
Let G be a group and S be a topological G-set. Then a closed subset F of S is called a fundamental domain of G in S if S is the union of conjugates of F, i.e., S= union _(g ...
