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1301 - 1310 of 1538 for traveling salesman problemSearch Results

Given a function f(x) of a variable x tabulated at m values y_1=f(x_1), ..., y_m=f(x_m), assume the function is of known analytic form depending on n parameters ...
A normalized form of the cumulative normal distribution function giving the probability that a variate assumes a value in the range [0,x], ...
Orthogonal circles are orthogonal curves, i.e., they cut one another at right angles. By the Pythagorean theorem, two circles of radii r_1 and r_2 whose centers are a ...
A statement which appears self-contradictory or contrary to expectations, also known as an antinomy. Curry (1977, p. 5) uses the term pseudoparadox to describe an apparent ...
Given a point P, the pedal triangle of P is the triangle whose polygon vertices are the feet of the perpendiculars from P to the side lines. The pedal triangle of a triangle ...
Percolation theory deals with fluid flow (or any other similar process) in random media. If the medium is a set of regular lattice points, then there are two main types of ...
In the field of percolation theory, the term percolation threshold is used to denote the probability which "marks the arrival" (Grimmett 1999) of an infinite connected ...
The Petersen family of graphs, not to be confused with generalized Petersen graphs, are a set of seven graphs obtained from the Petersen graph (or complete graph K_6) by del ...
pi may be computed using a number of iterative algorithms. The best known such algorithms are the Archimedes algorithm, which was derived by Pfaff in 1800, and the ...
A planar straight line embedding of a planar graph is a planar embedding in which only straight line segments are used to connect the graph vertices. Fáry (1948) showed that ...
