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The only Wiedersehen surfaces are the standard round spheres. The conjecture was proven by combining the Berger-Kazdan comparison theorem with A. Weinstein's results for n ...
In 1976, Coates and Wiles showed that elliptic curves with complex multiplication having an infinite number of solutions have L-functions which are zero at the relevant fixed ...
The transitive reflexive reduction of a partial order. An element z of a partially ordered set (X,<=) covers another element x provided that there exists no third element y ...
A reciprocity theorem for the case n=3 solved by Gauss using "integers" of the form a+brho, when rho is a root of x^2+x+1=0 (i.e., rho equals -(-1)^(1/3) or (-1)^(2/3)) and ...
A vector v on a Hilbert space H is said to be cyclic if there exists some bounded linear operator T on H so that the set of orbits {T^iv}_(i=0)^infty={v,Tv,T^2v,...} is dense ...
The term external direct product is used to refer to either the external direct sum of groups under the group operation of multiplication, or over infinitely many spaces in ...
The general unitary group GU_n(q) is the subgroup of all elements of the general linear group GL(q^2) that fix a given nonsingular Hermitian form. This is equivalent, in the ...
The set of points of X fixed by a group action are called the group's set of fixed points, defined by {x:gx=x for all g in G}. In some cases, there may not be a group action, ...
Let (A,<=) be a partially ordered set. Then an element m in A is said to be maximal if, for all a in A, m!<=a. Alternatively, an element m in A is maximal such that if m<=a ...
If lim_(z->z_0)(f(z)-f(z_0))/(z-z_0) is the same for all paths in the complex plane, then f(z) is said to be monogenic at z_0. Monogenic therefore essentially means having a ...