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The n-pan graph is the graph obtained by joining a cycle graph C_n to a singleton graph K_1 with a bridge. The n-pan graph is therefore isomorphic with the (n,1)-tadpole ...
A roulette is a curve traced by a fixed point on a closed convex curve as that curve rolls without slipping along a second curve. The roulettes described by the foci of ...
Sudoku (literally, "single number"), sometimes also is a pencil-and-paper logic puzzle whose goal is to complete a grid satisfying various constraints. In the "classic" ...
A Wieferich prime is a prime p which is a solution to the congruence equation 2^(p-1)=1 (mod p^2). (1) Note the similarity of this expression to the special case of Fermat's ...
If r is a root of the polynomial equation x^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, where the a_is are integers and r satisfies no similar equation of degree <n, then r is called an ...
The associated Stirling numbers of the first kind d_2(n,k)=d(n,k) are defined as the number of permutations of a given number n having exactly k permutation cycles, all of ...
B-trees were introduced by Bayer (1972) and McCreight. They are a special m-ary balanced tree used in databases because their structure allows records to be inserted, ...
The Cantor function F(x) is the continuous but not absolutely continuous function on [0,1] which may be defined as follows. First, express x in ternary. If the resulting ...
A special case of Hölder's sum inequality with p=q=2, (sum_(k=1)^na_kb_k)^2<=(sum_(k=1)^na_k^2)(sum_(k=1)^nb_k^2), (1) where equality holds for a_k=cb_k. The inequality is ...
Clausen's integral, sometimes called the log sine integral (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 88) is the n=2 case of the S_2 Clausen function Cl_2(theta) = ...