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The all-pairs shortest path problem is the determination of the shortest graph distances between every pair of vertices in a given graph. The problem can be solved using n ...
The apodization function f(x)=1-(|x|)/a (1) which is a generalization of the one-argument triangle function. Its full width at half maximum is a. It has instrument function ...
There are three types of boundary conditions commonly encountered in the solution of partial differential equations: 1. Dirichlet boundary conditions specify the value of the ...
Let B={b_1,b_2,...} be an infinite Abelian semigroup with linear order b_1<b_2<... such that b_1 is the unit element and a<b implies ac<bc for a,b,c in B. Define a Möbius ...
The term "Cartan algebra" has two meanings in mathematics, so care is needed in determining from context which meaning is intended. One meaning is a "Cartan subalgebra," ...
A general class of means introduced by Italian mathematician Oscar Chisini (pronounced keeseenee) in 1929. Given a function of n variables f(x_1,...,x_n), the Chisini mean of ...
Let K subset V subset S^3 be a knot that is geometrically essential in a standard embedding of the solid torus V in the three-sphere S^3. Let K_1 subset S^3 be another knot ...
The Császár polyhedron is a polyhedron that is topologically equivalent to a torus which was discovered in the late 1940s by Ákos Császár (Gardner 1975). It has 7 polyhedron ...
The maximum number of pieces into which a cylinder can be divided by n oblique cuts is given by f(n) = (n+1; 3)+n+1 (1) = 1/6(n+1)(n^2-n+6) (2) = 1/6(n^3+5n+6), (3) where (a; ...
Let K be the knot above, and let the homomorphism h taking a knot K_1 to its companion knot K_2 be faithful (i.e., taking the preferred longitude and meridian of the original ...