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The Archimedean duals are the 13 duals of the 13 Archimedean solids, sometimes called the Catalan solids. They are summarized in the following table and illustrated below ...
An arithmetic series is the sum of a sequence {a_k}, k=1, 2, ..., in which each term is computed from the previous one by adding (or subtracting) a constant d. Therefore, for ...
The series z=ln(e^xe^y) (1) for noncommuting variables x and y. The first few terms are z_1 = x+y (2) z_2 = 1/2(xy-yx) (3) z_3 = 1/(12)(x^2y+xy^2-2xyx+y^2x+yx^2-2yxy) (4) z_4 ...
The polynomials defined by B_(i,n)(t)=(n; i)t^i(1-t)^(n-i), (1) where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. The Bernstein polynomials of degree n form a basis for the power ...
A bicubic graph is a bipartite cubic graph. Tutte (1971) conjectured that all 3-connected bicubic graphs are Hamiltonian (the Tutte conjecture), but a number of bicubic ...
There are two curves known as the butterfly curve. The first is the sextic plane curve given by the implicit equation y^6=x^2-x^6 (1) (Cundy and Rollett 1989, p. 72; left ...
The dual polyhedra of the Archimedean solids, given in the following table. They are known as Catalan solids in honor of the Belgian mathematician who first published them in ...
If f(z) is analytic in some simply connected region R, then ∮_gammaf(z)dz=0 (1) for any closed contour gamma completely contained in R. Writing z as z=x+iy (2) and f(z) as ...
A Chen prime is a prime number p for which p+2 is either a prime or semiprime. Chen primes are named after Jing Run Chen who proved in 1966 that there are infinitely many ...
An algebraic surface with affine equation P_d(x_1,x_2)+T_d(x_3)=0, (1) where T_d(x) is a Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind and P_d(x_1,x_2) is a polynomial defined by ...
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