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The genus gamma(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of handles that must be added to the plane to embed the graph without any crossings. A graph with genus 0 is embeddable ...
A symmetry of a knot K is a homeomorphism of R^3 which maps K onto itself. More succinctly, a knot symmetry is a homeomorphism of the pair of spaces (R^3,K). Hoste et al. ...
A line graph L(G) (also called an adjoint, conjugate, covering, derivative, derived, edge, edge-to-vertex dual, interchange, representative, or theta-obrazom graph) of a ...
The Newton-Cotes formulas are an extremely useful and straightforward family of numerical integration techniques. To integrate a function f(x) over some interval [a,b], ...
Convergents of the pi continued fractions are the simplest approximants to pi. The first few are given by 3, 22/7, 333/106, 355/113, 103993/33102, 104348/33215, ... (OEIS ...
The simple continued fraction for pi is given by [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 14, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, ...] (OEIS A001203). A plot of the first 256 terms of the ...
A prime constellation, also called a prime k-tuple, prime k-tuplet, or prime cluster, is a sequence of k consecutive numbers such that the difference between the first and ...
There exist a variety of formulas for either producing the nth prime as a function of n or taking on only prime values. However, all such formulas require either extremely ...
Let N steps of equal length be taken along a line. Let p be the probability of taking a step to the right, q the probability of taking a step to the left, n_1 the number of ...
The regular icosahedron (often simply called "the" icosahedron) is the regular polyhedron and Platonic solid illustrated above having 12 polyhedron vertices, 30 polyhedron ...
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