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A multivariate is a vector each of whose elements is a variate. The variates need not be independent, and if they are not, a correlation is said to exist between them. The ...
Consider a knot as being formed from two tangles. The following three operations are called mutations. 1. Cut the knot open along four points on each of the four strings ...
The first Napoleon point N is the concurrence of lines drawn between vertices of a given triangle DeltaABC and the opposite vertices of the corresponding inner Napoleon ...
Consider a power series in a complex variable z g(z)=sum_(n=0)^inftya_nz^n (1) that is convergent within the open disk D:|z|<R. Convergence is limited to within D by the ...
The natural projection, also called the homomorphism, is a logical way of mapping an algebraic structure onto its quotient structures. The natural projection pi is defined ...
A near noble number is a real number 0<nu<1 whose continued fraction is periodic, and the periodic sequence of terms is composed of a string of p-1 1s followed by an integer ...
The neighborhood complex N(G) of a locally finite graph G is defined as the abstract simplicial complex formed by the subsets of the neighborhoods of all vertices of G.
In number theory (e.g., Ivić 2003), the symbol log_kx is commonly used to mean the nested logarithm (also called the repeated logarithm or iterated logarithm) ...
Polynomials O_n(x) that can be defined by the sum O_n(x)=1/4sum_(k=0)^(|_n/2_|)(n(n-k-1)!)/(k!)(1/2x)^(2k-n-1) (1) for n>=1, where |_x_| is the floor function. They obey the ...
Samuel Pepys wrote Isaac Newton a long letter asking him to determine the probabilities for a set of dice rolls related to a wager he planned to make. Pepys asked which was ...
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