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A monotonic matrix of order n is an n×n matrix in which every element is either 0 or contains a number from the set {1,...,n} subject to the conditions 1. The filled-in ...
In 1979, Conway and Norton discovered an unexpected intimate connection between the monster group M and the j-function. The Fourier expansion of j(tau) is given by (1) (OEIS ...
Let f(z) be an analytic function of z, regular in the half-strip S defined by a<x<b and y>0. If f(z) is bounded in S and tends to a limit l as y->infty for a certain fixed ...
Given an m×n matrix B, the Moore-Penrose generalized matrix inverse is a unique n×m matrix pseudoinverse B^+. This matrix was independently defined by Moore in 1920 and ...
The geometric centroid of the first Morley triangle, which is also the center of Morley's circle, is called the first Morley center. It has triangle center function ...
Müntz's theorem is a generalization of the Weierstrass approximation theorem, which states that any continuous function on a closed and bounded interval can be uniformly ...
Let a set of random variates X_1, X_2, ..., X_n have a probability function P(X_1=x_1,...,X_n=x_n)=(N!)/(product_(i=1)^(n)x_i!)product_(i=1)^ntheta_i^(x_i) (1) where x_i are ...
A multiplicative number theoretic function is a number theoretic function f that has the property f(mn)=f(m)f(n) (1) for all pairs of relatively prime positive integers m and ...
The word multiplicity is a general term meaning "the number of values for which a given condition holds." For example, the term is used to refer to the value of the totient ...
A multistable polyhedron is a polyhedron that can change form from one stable configuration to another with only a slight transient nondestructive elastic stretch (Goldberg ...
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