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Let mu(sigma) be the least upper bound of the numbers A such that |zeta(sigma+it)|t^(-A) is bounded as t->infty, where zeta(s) is the Riemann zeta function. Then the Lindelöf ...
The line integral of a vector field F(x) on a curve sigma is defined by int_(sigma)F·ds=int_a^bF(sigma(t))·sigma^'(t)dt, (1) where a·b denotes a dot product. In Cartesian ...
Line segment picking is the process of picking line segments at random within a given shape in the plane, in space, or in a higher dimension. The most natural definition of a ...
A linear congruence equation ax=b (mod m) (1) is solvable iff the congruence b=0 (mod d) (2) with d=GCD(a,m) is the greatest common divisor is solvable. Let one solution to ...
A linear extension of a partially ordered set P is a permutation of the elements p_1, p_2, ... of P such that p_i<p_j implies i<j. For example, the linear extensions of the ...
The n functions f_1(x), f_2(x), ..., f_n(x) are linearly dependent if, for some c_1, c_2, ..., c_n in R not all zero, sum_(i=1)^nc_if_i(x)=0 (1) for all x in some interval I. ...
A lion and a man in a closed arena have equal maximum speeds. What tactics should the lion employ to be sure of his meal? This problem was stated by Rado in 1925 (Littlewood ...
A Liouville number is a transcendental number which has very close rational number approximations. An irrational number beta is called a Liouville number if, for each n, ...
States that for a nondissipative Hamiltonian system, phase space density (the area between phase space contours) is constant. This requires that, given a small time increment ...
Little's law states that, under steady state conditions, the average number of items in a queuing system equals the average rate at which the items arrive multiplied by the ...
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