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An irrational number x can be called GK-regular (defined here for the first time) if the distribution of its continued fraction coefficients is the Gauss-Kuzmin distribution. ...
Let p and q be partitions of a positive integer, then there exists a (0,1)-matrix A such that c(A)=p, r(A)=q iff q is dominated by p^*.
The Gall orthographic projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection with standard parallel of 45 degrees.
Let X and Y be Banach spaces and let f:X->Y be a function between them. f is said to be Gâteaux differentiable if there exists an operator T_x:X->Y such that, for all v in X, ...
Finch (2010) gives an overview of known results for random Gaussian triangles. Let the vertices of a triangle in n dimensions be normal (normal) variates. The probability ...
Let p>3 be a prime number, then 4(x^p-y^p)/(x-y)=R^2(x,y)-(-1)^((p-1)/2)pS^2(x,y), where R(x,y) and S(x,y) are homogeneous polynomials in x and y with integer coefficients. ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (1-x^2)y^('')-2(mu+1)xy^'+(nu-mu)(nu+mu+1)y=0 (1) sometimes called the hyperspherical differential equation (Iyanaga and ...
The generalized diameter is the greatest distance between any two points on the boundary of a closed figure. The diameter of a subset E of a Euclidean space R^n is therefore ...
Given a planar graph G, its geometric dual G^* is constructed by placing a vertex in each region of G (including the exterior region) and, if two regions have an edge x in ...
Gibrat's distribution is a continuous distribution in which the logarithm of a variable x has a normal distribution, P(x)=1/(xsqrt(2pi))e^(-(lnx)^2/2), (1) defined over the ...
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