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Let j_k(alpha) denote the number of cycles of length k for a permutation alpha expressed as a product of disjoint cycles. The cycle index Z(X) of a permutation group X of ...
The cyclic group C_9 is one of the two Abelian groups of group order 9 (the other order-9 Abelian group being C_3×C_3; there are no non-Abelian groups of order 9). An example ...
Consider two cylinders as illustrated above (Hubbell 1965) where the cylinders have radii r_1 and r_2 with r_1<=r_2, the larger cylinder is oriented along the z-axis, and ...
The decimal period of a repeating decimal is the number of digits that repeat. For example, 1/3=0.3^_ has decimal period one, 1/11=0.09^_ has decimal period two, and ...
A metatheorem in mathematical logic also known under the name "conditional proof." It states that if the sentential formula B can be derived from the set of sentential ...
Given binomial coefficient (N; k), write N-k+i=a_ib_i, for 1<=i<=k, where b_i contains only those prime factors >k. Then the number of i for which b_i=1 (i.e., for which all ...
In continuum theory, a dendrite is a locally connected continuum that contains no simple closed curve. A semicircle is therefore a dendrite, while a triangle is not. The term ...
A type of integral which is an extension of both the Riemann integral and the Lebesgue integral. The original Denjoy integral is now called a Denjoy integral "in the ...
A set A in a first-countable space is dense in B if B=A union L, where L is the set of limit points of A. For example, the rational numbers are dense in the reals. In ...
A derivation is a sequence of steps, logical or computational, from one result to another. The word derivation comes from the word "derive." "Derivation" can also refer to a ...
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