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2681 - 2690 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
A bundle map is a map between bundles along with a compatible map between the base manifolds. Suppose p:X->M and q:Y->N are two bundles, then F:X->Y is a bundle map if there ...
In the theory of transfinite ordinal numbers, 1. Every well ordered set has a unique ordinal number, 2. Every segment of ordinals (i.e., any set of ordinals arranged in ...
A calibration form on a Riemannian manifold M is a differential p-form phi such that 1. phi is a closed form. 2. The comass of phi, sup_(v in ^ ^pTM, |v|=1)|phi(v)| (1) ...
The set of all sets is its own power set. Therefore, the cardinal number of the set of all sets must be bigger than itself.
Let A and B be any sets with empty intersection, and let |X| denote the cardinal number of a set X. Then |A|+|B|=|A union B| (Ciesielski 1997, p. 68; Dauben 1990, p. 173; ...
A coordinate system (mu,nu,psi) defined by the coordinate transformation x = (munu)/((mu^2+nu^2)^2)cospsi (1) y = (munu)/((mu^2+nu^2)^2)sinpsi (2) z = ...
Assume that f is a nonnegative real function on [0,infty) and that the two integrals int_0^inftyx^(p-1-lambda)[f(x)]^pdx (1) int_0^inftyx^(q-1+mu)[f(x)]^qdx (2) exist and are ...
If f(z) is regular and of the form O(e^(k|z|)) where k<pi, for R[z]>=0, and if f(z)=0 for z=0, 1, ..., then f(z) is identically zero.
The quartic surface obtained by replacing the constant b in the equation of the Cassini ovals with b=z, obtaining [(x-a)^2+y^2][(x+a)^2+y^2]=z^4. (1) As can be seen by ...
A method for verifying the correctness of an arithmetical operation on natural numbers, based on the same principle as casting out nines. The methods of sevens takes ...
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