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2021 - 2030 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
The Hajós number h(G) of a graph G is the maximum k such that G contains a subdivision of the complete graph K_k.
Let Y_n denote the graph with vertex set V(X_n), where X_n is the n-hypercube and two vertices are adjacent in Y_n iff they are at distance 1<=d<=2 in X_n. Y_n is not ...
The contour C_epsilon illustrated above.
Hansen's problem is a problem in surveying described as follows. From the position of two known but inaccessible points A and B, determine the position of two unknown ...
Harmonic coordinates satisfy the condition Gamma^lambda=g^(munu)Gamma_(munu)^lambda=0, (1) or equivalently, partial/(partialx^kappa)(sqrt(g)g^(lambdakappa))=0. (2) It is ...
Given three circles, each intersecting the other two in two points, the line segments connecting their points of intersection satisfy (ace)/(bdf)=1 (Honsberger 1995).
The study, first developed by Boole, of shift-invariant operators which are polynomials in the differential operator D^~. Heaviside calculus can be used to solve any ordinary ...
Let X be a continuum (i.e., a compact connected metric space). Then X is hereditarily unicoherent provided that every subcontinuum of X is unicoherent. Any hereditarily ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra. A C^*-subalgebra (that is a closed *-subalgebra) B of A is called hereditary if bab^' in B for all b,b^' in B and a in A, or equivalently if for a in ...
The representation of a number as a sum of powers of a base b, followed by expression of each of the exponents as a sum of powers of b, etc., until the process stops. For ...
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