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1751 - 1760 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
Given a simple harmonic oscillator with a quadratic perturbation, write the perturbation term in the form alphaepsilonx^2, x^..+omega_0^2x-alphaepsilonx^2=0, (1) find the ...
Another word for a C^infty (infinitely differentiable) manifold, also called a differentiable manifold. A smooth manifold is a topological manifold together with its ...
The Sombor matrix A_(Sombor) of a simple graph is a weighted adjacency matrix with weight f(d_i,d_j)=sqrt(d_i^2+d_j^2), (1) where d_i are the vertex degrees of the graph. In ...
The special unitary group SU_n(q) is the set of n×n unitary matrices with determinant +1 (having n^2-1 independent parameters). SU(2) is homeomorphic with the orthogonal ...
The spherical Hankel function of the first kind h_n^((1))(z) is defined by h_n^((1))(z) = sqrt(pi/(2z))H_(n+1/2)^((1))(z) (1) = j_n(z)+in_n(z), (2) where H_n^((1))(z) is the ...
The spherical Hankel function of the second kind h_n^((1))(z) is defined by h_n^((2))(z) = sqrt(pi/(2x))H_(n+1/2)^((2))(z) (1) = j_n(z)-in_n(z), (2) where H_n^((2))(z) is the ...
Given a set of n men and n women, marry them off in pairs after each man has ranked the women in order of preference from 1 to n, {w_1,...,w_n} and each women has done ...
A noncylindrical ruled surface always has a parameterization of the form x(u,v)=sigma(u)+vdelta(u), (1) where |delta|=1, sigma^'·delta^'=0, and sigma is called the striction ...
A superior highly composite number is a positive integer n for which there is an e>0 such that (d(n))/(n^e)>=(d(k))/(k^e) for all k>1, where the function d(n) counts the ...
Let K be a T2-topological space and let F be the space of all bounded complex-valued continuous functions defined on K. The supremum norm is the norm defined on F by ...
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