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1541 - 1550 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
In cylindrical coordinates, the scale factors are h_r=1, h_theta=r, h_z=1, so the Laplacian is given by del ...
The number of different triangles which have integer side lengths and perimeter n is T(n) = P(n,3)-sum_(1<=j<=|_n/2_|)P(j,2) (1) = [(n^2)/(12)]-|_n/4_||_(n+2)/4_| (2) = ...
A tensor which has the same components in all rotated coordinate systems. All rank-0 tensors (scalars) are isotropic, but no rank-1 tensors (vectors) are. The unique rank-2 ...
Arrange copies of the n digits 1, ..., n such that there is one digit between the 1s, two digits between the 2s, etc. For example, the unique (modulo reversal) n=3 solution ...
The negadecimal representation of a number n is its representation in base -10 (i.e., base negative 10). It is therefore given by the coefficients a_na_(n-1)...a_1a_0 in n = ...
By asking a small number of innocent-sounding questions about an unknown number, it is possible to reconstruct the number with absolute certainty (assuming that the questions ...
A figurate number which is the sum of two consecutive pyramidal numbers, O_n=P_(n-1)+P_n=1/3n(2n^2+1). (1) The first few are 1, 6, 19, 44, 85, 146, 231, 344, 489, 670, 891, ...
The circle passing through the isodynamic points S and S^' and the triangle centroid G of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 (Kimberling 1998, pp. 227-228). The Parry circle has ...
A perfect cuboid is a cuboid having integer side lengths, integer face diagonals d_(ab) = sqrt(a^2+b^2) (1) d_(ac) = sqrt(a^2+c^2) (2) d_(bc) = sqrt(b^2+c^2), (3) and an ...
A quintic graph is a graph which is 5-regular. The only quintic graph on n<=7 nodes is the complete graph K_6. Quintic graphs exist only on even numbers of nodes, and the ...
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