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Legendre-Gauss quadrature is a numerical integration method also called "the" Gaussian quadrature or Legendre quadrature. A Gaussian quadrature over the interval [-1,1] with ...
Consider the process of taking a number, multiplying its digits, then multiplying the digits of numbers derived from it, etc., until the remaining number has only one digit. ...
A set of positive integers is called weakly triple-free if, for any integer x, the set {x,2x,3x} !subset= S. For example, all subsets of {1,2,3,4,5} are weakly triple-free ...
The distinct prime factors of a positive integer n>=2 are defined as the omega(n) numbers p_1, ..., p_(omega(n)) in the prime factorization ...
LCF notation is a concise and convenient notation devised by Joshua Lederberg (winner of the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine) for the representation of cubic ...
A (k,l)-multigrade equation is a Diophantine equation of the form sum_(i=1)^ln_i^j=sum_(i=1)^lm_i^j (1) for j=1, ..., k, where m and n are l-vectors. Multigrade identities ...
The stability index Z^_(G) of a graph G is defined by Z^_=sum_(k=0)^(|_n/2_|)|c_(2k)|, where c_k is the kth coefficient of the characteristic polynomial and |_n_| denotes the ...
The Ramsey number R(m,n) gives the solution to the party problem, which asks the minimum number of guests R(m,n) that must be invited so that at least m will know each other ...
P(n), sometimes also denoted p(n) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 825; Comtet 1974, p. 94; Hardy and Wright 1979, p. 273; Conway and Guy 1996, p. 94; Andrews 1998, p. 1), ...
What is the maximum number of queens that can be placed on an n×n chessboard such that no two attack one another? The answer is n-1 queens for n=2 or n=3 and n queens ...
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