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To fit a functional form y=Ae^(Bx), (1) take the logarithm of both sides lny=lnA+Bx. (2) The best-fit values are then a = ...
Given an original triangle (thick line), find the medial triangle (outer thin line) and its incircle. Take the pedal triangle (inner thin line) of the medial triangle with ...
Consider the decimal expansion of the reciprocal of the number seven, 1/7=0.142857142857...=0.142857^_, (1) which is a repeating decimal. Now take overlapping pairs of these ...
A plesiohedron is the Voronoi cell of a so-called symmetric Delone set. Plesiohedra are space-filling polyhedra which have special symmetries that take any copy of the ...
A K-rational point is a point (X,Y) on an algebraic curve f(X,Y)=0, where X and Y are in a field K. For example, rational point in the field Q of ordinary rational numbers is ...
A sparse matrix is a matrix that allows special techniques to take advantage of the large number of "background" (commonly zero) elements. The number of zeros a matrix needs ...
Take the Helmholtz differential equation del ^2F+k^2F=0 (1) in spherical coordinates. This is just Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates with an additional term, (2) ...
A variate is a generalization of the concept of a random variable that is defined without reference to a particular type of probabilistic experiment. It is defined as the set ...
A game played with two heaps of counters in which a player may take any number from either heap or the same number from both. The player taking the last counter wins. The rth ...
Spinor fields describing particles of zero rest mass satisfy the so-called zero rest mass equations. Examples of zero rest mass particles include the neutrino (a fermion) and ...