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An object that is not superimposable on its mirror image is said to be dissymmetric. All asymmetric objects are dissymmetric, and an object with no improper rotation ...
The ending of a game in which neither of two players wins, sometimes also called a "tie." A game in which no draw is possible is called a categorical game.
Given a vector bundle pi:E->M, its dual bundle is a vector bundle pi^*:E^*->M. The fiber bundle of E^* over a point p in M is the dual vector space to the fiber of E.
The group of rotations and translations.
In a given acute triangle DeltaABC, locate a point whose distances from A, B, and C have the smallest possible sum. The solution is the point from which each side subtends an ...
A 180 degrees rotation of a tangle. The word "flype" is derived from the old Scottish verb meaning "to turn or fold back." Tait (1898) used this word to indicate a different ...
No subspace of R^n can be homeomorphic to S^n.
The Helmholtz differential equation is not separable in bispherical coordinates.
An absolutely continuous measure on partialD whose density has the form exp(x+y^_), where x and y are real-valued functions in L^infty, ||y||_infty<pi/2, exp is the ...
Let B, A, and e be square matrices with e small, and define B=A(I+e), (1) where I is the identity matrix. Then the inverse of B is approximately B^(-1)=(I-e)A^(-1). (2) This ...
