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The third-order ordinary differential equation y^(''')+alphayy^('')+beta(1-y^('2))=0.
A statement which is rigorously not true. Regular two-valued logic allows statements to be only true or false, but fuzzy logic treats "truth" as a continuum which can have a ...
The term faltung is variously used to mean convolution and a function of bilinear forms. Let A and B be bilinear forms A = A(x,y)=sumsuma_(ij)x_iy_i (1) B = ...
A set of curves whose equations are of the same form but which have different values assigned to one or more parameters in the equations. Families of curves arise, for ...
A phrase used by Tukey to describe data points which are outside the outer fences.
Let A be a matrix and x and b vectors. Then the system Ax=b, x>=0 has no solution iff the system A^(T)y>=0, b^(T)y<0 has a solution, where y is a vector (Fang and Puthenpura ...
A Cantor set with Lebesgue measure greater than 0.
Fatou dust is a Fatou set for a point outside the underlying set. Such a set has zero area and has an infinite number of disconnected components.
Let f(theta) be Lebesgue integrable and let f(r,theta)=1/(2pi)int_(-pi)^pif(t)(1-r^2)/(1-2rcos(t-theta)+r^2)dt (1) be the corresponding Poisson integral. Then almost ...
In a 1631 edition of Academiae Algebrae, J. Faulhaber published the general formula for the power sum of the first n positive integers, sum_(k=1)^(n)k^p = H_(n,-p) (1) = ...