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The regular octahedron, often simply called "the" octahedron, is the Platonic solid with six polyhedron vertices, 12 polyhedron edges, and eight equivalent equilateral ...
A regular polygon is an n-sided polygon in which the sides are all the same length and are symmetrically placed about a common center (i.e., the polygon is both equiangular ...
A repunit prime is a repunit (i.e., a number consisting of copies of the single digit 1) that is also a prime number. The base-10 repunit (possibly probable) primes ...
The resistance distance between vertices i and j of a graph G is defined as the effective resistance between the two vertices (as when a battery is attached across them) when ...
Riemann defined the function f(x) by f(x) = sum_(p^(nu)<=x; p prime)1/nu (1) = sum_(n=1)^(|_lgx_|)(pi(x^(1/n)))/n (2) = pi(x)+1/2pi(x^(1/2))+1/3pi(x^(1/3))+... (3) (Hardy ...
The value for zeta(2)=sum_(k=1)^infty1/(k^2) (1) can be found using a number of different techniques (Apostol 1983, Choe 1987, Giesy 1972, Holme 1970, Kimble 1987, Knopp and ...
There exist infinitely many odd integers k such that k·2^n-1 is composite for every n>=1. Numbers k with this property are called Riesel numbers, while analogous numbers with ...
A right triangle is triangle with an angle of 90 degrees (pi/2 radians). The sides a, b, and c of such a triangle satisfy the Pythagorean theorem a^2+b^2=c^2, (1) where the ...
A ring in the mathematical sense is a set S together with two binary operators + and * (commonly interpreted as addition and multiplication, respectively) satisfying the ...
The Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction is a generalized continued fraction defined by R(q)=(q^(1/5))/(1+q/(1+(q^2)/(1+(q^3)/(1+...)))) (1) (Rogers 1894, Ramanujan 1957, ...
