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Let a vault consist of two equal half-cylinders of radius r which intersect at right angles so that the lines of their intersections (the "groins") terminate in the ...
A vector Laplacian can be defined for a vector A by del ^2A=del (del ·A)-del x(del xA), (1) where the notation ✡ is sometimes used to distinguish the vector Laplacian from ...
The Weingarten equations express the derivatives of the normal vector to a surface using derivatives of the position vector. Let x:U->R^3 be a regular patch, then the shape ...
In three dimensions, there are three classes of constant curvature geometries. All are based on the first four of Euclid's postulates, but each uses its own version of the ...
Thurston's conjecture proposed a complete characterization of geometric structures on three-dimensional manifolds. Before stating Thurston's geometrization conjecture in ...
A conical frustum is a frustum created by slicing the top off a cone (with the cut made parallel to the base). For a right circular cone, let s be the slant height and R_1 ...
The most common form of cosine integral is Ci(x) = -int_x^infty(costdt)/t (1) = gamma+lnx+int_0^x(cost-1)/tdt (2) = 1/2[Ei(ix)+Ei(-ix)] (3) = -1/2[E_1(ix)+E_1(-ix)], (4) ...
A general system of fourth-order curvilinear coordinates based on the cyclide in which Laplace's equation is separable (either simply separable or R-separable). Bôcher (1894) ...
If a complex function is analytic at all finite points of the complex plane C, then it is said to be entire, sometimes also called "integral" (Knopp 1996, p. 112). Any ...
