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Poisson's equation is del ^2phi=4pirho, (1) where phi is often called a potential function and rho a density function, so the differential operator in this case is L^~=del ...
The Hankel functions of the first kind are defined as H_n^((1))(z)=J_n(z)+iY_n(z), (1) where J_n(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Y_n(z) is a Bessel function of ...
H_n^((2))(z)=J_n(z)-iY_n(z), (1) where J_n(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Y_n(z) is a Bessel function of the second kind. Hankel functions of the second kind ...
The haversine, also called the haversed sine, is a little-used entire trigonometric function defined by hav(z) = 1/2vers(z) (1) = 1/2(1-cosz) (2) = sin^2(1/2z), (3) where ...
To solve the heat conduction equation on a two-dimensional disk of radius a=1, try to separate the equation using U(r,theta,t)=R(r)Theta(theta)T(t). (1) Writing the theta and ...
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in oblate spheroidal coordinates.
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in prolate spheroidal coordinates.
A hole in a mathematical object is a topological structure which prevents the object from being continuously shrunk to a point. When dealing with topological spaces, a ...
The hyperbolic cylinder is a quadratic surface given by the equation (x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=-1. (1) It is a ruled surface. It can be given parametrically by x = asinhu (2) y ...
The hyperbolic polar sine is a function of an n-dimensional simplex in hyperbolic space. It is analogous to the polar sine of an n-dimensional simplex in elliptic or ...
