Search Results for "spherical aberration"
11 - 20 of 374 for spherical aberrationSearch Results

The surface of revolution obtained by cutting a conical "wedge" with vertex at the center of a sphere out of the sphere. It is therefore a cone plus a spherical cap, and is a ...
The difference between the sum of the angles A, B, and C of a spherical triangle and pi radians (180 degrees), E=A+B+C-pi. The notation Delta is sometimes used for spherical ...
A plot of a function expressed in spherical coordinates, with radius r as a function of angles theta and phi. Polar plots can be drawn using SphericalPlot3D[r, {phi, phimin, ...
A spherical shell is a generalization of an annulus to three dimensions. A spherical shell is therefore the region between two concentric spheres of differing radii. The ...
A spherical polyhedron is set of arcs on the surface of a sphere corresponding to the projections of the edges of a polyhedron. The images above illustrate the spherical ...
X is a spherical t-design in E iff it is possible to exactly determine the average value on E of any polynomial f of degree at most t by sampling f at the points of X. In ...
The placement of n points on a sphere so as to minimize the maximum distance of any point on the sphere from the closest one of the n points.
The spherical harmonics Y_l^m(theta,phi) are the angular portion of the solution to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates where azimuthal symmetry is not present. Some ...
There are 14 families of spherical groups, which can be written in orbifold notation as *532, 532, *432, 432, *332, 3*2, 332, *22N, 2*N, 22N, *NN, N*, Nx, and NN.
Spherical mirrors were a popular subject for M. C. Escher's lithographs, including "Still Life with a Spherical Mirror" (Bool et al. 1982, p. 261; Forty 2003, Plate 23), ...