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A "pointwise-bounded" family of continuous linear operators from a Banach space to a normed space is "uniformly bounded." Symbolically, if sup||T_i(x)|| is finite for each x ...
A unit vector is a vector of length 1, sometimes also called a direction vector (Jeffreys and Jeffreys 1988). The unit vector v^^ having the same direction as a given ...
Delta(x_1,...,x_n) = |1 x_1 x_1^2 ... x_1^(n-1); 1 x_2 x_2^2 ... x_2^(n-1); | | | ... |; 1 x_n x_n^2 ... x_n^(n-1)| (1) = product_(i,j; i>j)(x_i-x_j) (2) (Sharpe 1987). For ...
A vector field is a map f:R^n|->R^n that assigns each x a vector f(x). Several vector fields are illustrated above. A vector field is uniquely specified by giving its ...
There are a number of algebraic identities involving sets of four vectors. An identity known as Lagrange's identity is given by (AxB)·(CxD)=(A·C)(B·D)-(A·D)(B·C) (1) ...
Let sum_(n=1)^(infty)u_n(x) be a series of functions all defined for a set E of values of x. If there is a convergent series of constants sum_(n=1)^inftyM_n, such that ...
The weighted mean of a discrete set of numbers {x_1,x_2,...,x_n} with weights {w_1,w_2,...,w_n} is given by <x>=sum_(i=1)^nw_ix_i, (1) where each weight w_i is a nonnegative ...
The prime link 05-0201, illustrated above, with braid word sigma_1^2sigma_2^2sigma_1^(-1)sigma_2^(-2) or sigma_1sigma_2^(-1)sigma_1sigma_2^(-2) and Jones polynomial ...
The Wronskian of a set of n functions phi_1, phi_2, ... is defined by W(phi_1,...,phi_n)=|phi_1 phi_2 ... phi_n; phi_1^' phi_2^' ... phi_n^'; | | ... |; phi_1^((n-1)) ...
The Zak transform is a signal transform relevant to time-continuous signals sampled at a uniform rate and an arbitrary clock phase (Janssen 1988). The Zak transform of a ...
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