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The diagonal slash "/" used as the bar between numerator and denominator of an in-line fraction (Bringhurst 1997, p. 284). The solidus is also called a diagonal. Special care ...
A stable isolated (i.e., solitary) traveling nonlinear wave solution to a set of equations that obeys a superposition-like principle (i.e., solitons passing through one ...
One or both of the square bracket symbols [ and ] are used in many different contexts in mathematics. 1. Square brackets are occasionally used in especially complex ...
There are many unsolved problems in mathematics. Some prominent outstanding unsolved problems (as well as some which are not necessarily so well known) include 1. The ...
An Anosov diffeomorphism is a C^1 diffeomorphism phi of a manifold M to itself such that the tangent bundle of M is hyperbolic with respect to phi. Very few classes of Anosov ...
A special nonsingular map from one manifold to another such that at every point in the domain of the map, the derivative is an injective linear transformation. This is ...
The Sendov conjecture, proposed by Blagovest Sendov circa 1958, that for a polynomial f(z)=(z-r_1)(z-r_2)...(z-r_n) with n>=2 and each root r_k located inside the closed unit ...
A plane curve is a curve that lies in a single plane. A plane curve may be closed or open. Curves which are interesting for some reason and whose properties have therefore ...
The mathematical study of the likelihood and probability of events occurring based on known information and inferred by taking a limited number of samples. Statistics plays ...
There are several versions of the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture, with many of the higher dimensional ones remaining unsettled. The original Kaplan-Yorke conjecture (Kaplan and ...
