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In its original form, the Poincaré conjecture states that every simply connected closed three-manifold is homeomorphic to the three-sphere (in a topologist's sense) S^3, ...
Two closed simply connected 4-manifolds are homeomorphic iff they have the same bilinear form beta and the same Kirby-Siebenmann invariant kappa. Any beta can be realized by ...
An integer kappa equal to 0 or 1 which vanishes iff the product manifold M^4×R can be given a smooth structure. Here, M^n is a compact connected topological four-manifold.
A point x in a manifold M is said to be nonwandering if, for every open neighborhood U of x, it is true that phi^nU intersection U!=emptyset for a map phi for some n>0. In ...
Various forms of opening and closing bracket-like delimiters are used for a number of distinct notational purposes in mathematics. The most common variants of bracket ...
The colon is the symbol ":". It is used in a number of different ways in mathematics. 1. To denote ratio or odds, as in 2:1 (voiced "two to one"). 2. To mean such that in ...
A problem is assigned to the NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) class if it is solvable in polynomial time by a nondeterministic Turing machine. A P-problem (whose ...
Newton's method for finding roots of a complex polynomial f entails iterating the function z-[f(z)/f^'(z)], which can be viewed as applying the Euler backward method with ...
One of the symbols ( or ) used to denote grouping. Parentheses have a great many specialized meanings in mathematics. A few of these are described below. 1. Parentheses are ...
A correction which must be applied to the measured moments m_k obtained from normally distributed data which have been binned in order to obtain correct estimators mu^^_i for ...
