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A graph in which each graph edge is replaced by a directed graph edge, also called a digraph. A directed graph having no multiple edges or loops (corresponding to a binary ...
There are several types of integrals which go under the name of a "Dirichlet integral." The integral D[u]=int_Omega|del u|^2dV (1) appears in Dirichlet's principle. The ...
Dots and boxes is a two-person game based on a rectangular lattice of points. Each player, in turn, draws a horizontal or vertical line connecting two adjacent points. ...
The term "Euler graph" is sometimes used to denote a graph for which all vertices are of even degree (e.g., Seshu and Reed 1961). Note that this definition is different from ...
The exponent is the component of a finite floating-point representation that signifies the integer power to which the radix is raised in determining the value of that ...
Let there be m doctors and n<=m patients, and let all mn possible combinations of examinations of patients by doctors take place. Then what is the minimum number of surgical ...
The second blackboard problem in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting asks for all the series-reduced trees (referred to by the alternate term "homeomorphically irreducible trees" ...
The base 16 notational system for representing real numbers. The digits used to represent numbers using hexadecimal notation are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, ...
Two mathematical objects are said to be homotopic if one can be continuously deformed into the other. For example, the real line is homotopic to a single point, as is any ...
An identity graph, sometimes also known as an asymmetric graph or rigid graph (Albertson and Collins 1996), is a graph possessing a single graph automorphism. The numbers of ...