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A commutative Noetherian unit ring having only finitely many maximal ideals. A ring having the same properties except Noetherianity is called quasilocal. If K is a field, the ...
A topological space X is semilocally simply connected (also called semilocally 1-connected) if every point x in X has a neighborhood U such that any loop L:[0,1]->U with ...
A semimagic square is a square that fails to be a magic square only because one or both of the main diagonal sums do not equal the magic constant (Kraitchik 1942, p. 143). ...
The semiperimeter on a figure is defined as s=1/2p, (1) where p is the perimeter. The semiperimeter of polygons appears in unexpected ways in the computation of their areas. ...
A proper ideal I of a ring R is called semiprime if, whenever J^n subset I for an ideal J of R and some positive integer, then J subset I. In other words, the quotient ring ...
A polyhedron or plane tessellation is called semiregular if its faces are all regular polygons and its corners are alike (Walsh 1972; Coxeter 1973, pp. 4 and 58; Holden 1991, ...
Regular tessellations of the plane by two or more convex regular polygons such that the same polygons in the same order surround each polygon vertex are called semiregular ...
A Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero is called semisimple if its Killing form is nondegenerate. The following properties can be proved equivalent for a ...
A Lie group is called semisimple if its Lie algebra is semisimple. For example, the special linear group SL(n) and special orthogonal group SO(n) (over R or C) are ...
The Sendov conjecture, proposed by Blagovest Sendov circa 1958, that for a polynomial f(z)=(z-r_1)(z-r_2)...(z-r_n) with n>=2 and each root r_k located inside the closed unit ...
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