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Let X be an infinite set of urelements, and let V(^*X) be an enlargement of the superstructure V(X). Let A,B in V(X) be finitary algebras with finitely many operations, and ...
The intersection of two sets A and B is the set of elements common to A and B. This is written A intersection B, and is pronounced "A intersection B" or "A cap B." The ...
A simple function is a finite sum sum_(i)a_ichi_(A_i), where the functions chi_(A_i) are characteristic functions on a set A. Another description of a simple function is a ...
Let T be a tree defined on a metric over a set of paths such that the distance between paths p and q is 1/n, where n is the number of nodes shared by p and q. Let A be a ...
A permutation which shifts all elements of a set by a fixed offset, with the elements shifted off the end inserted back at the beginning. For a set with elements a_0, a_1, ...
The digraph intersection of two digraphs is the digraph whose vertex set (respectively, edge set) is the intersection of their vertex sets (respectively, edge sets). If n is ...
A collection of equations satisfies the Hasse principle if, whenever one of the equations has solutions in R and all the Q_p, then the equations have solutions in the ...
Let {y^k} be a set of orthonormal vectors with k=1, 2, ..., K, such that the inner product (y^k,y^k)=1. Then set x=sum_(k=1)^Ku_ky^k (1) so that for any square matrix A for ...
The direct product of the rings R_gamma, for gamma some index set I, is the set product_(gamma in I)R_gamma={f:I-> union _(gamma in I)R_gamma|f(gamma) in R_gamma all gamma in ...
Suppose W is the set of all complex-valued functions f on the interval [0,2pi] of the form f(t)=sum_(k=-infty)^inftyalpha_ke^(ikt) (1) for t in [0,2pi], where the alpha_k in ...
