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The transitive reflexive reduction of a partial order. An element z of a partially ordered set (X,<=) covers another element x provided that there exists no third element y ...
The interior of a set is the union of all its open subsets. More informally, the interior of geometric structure is that portion of a region lying "inside" a specified ...
A set which is connected but not simply connected is called multiply connected. A space is n-multiply connected if it is (n-1)-connected and if every map from the n-sphere ...
A subset X of R^n is star convex if there exists an x_0 in X such that the line segment from x_0 to any point in X is contained in X. A star-shaped figure is star convex but ...
The transitive reduction of a binary relation R on a set X is the minimum relation R^' on X with the same transitive closure as R. Thus aR^'b for any elements a and b of X, ...
Every bounded infinite set in R^n has an accumulation point. For n=1, an infinite subset of a closed bounded set S has an accumulation point in S. For instance, given a ...
Let g be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over some field k. A subalgebra h of g is called a Cartan subalgebra if it is nilpotent and equal to its normalizer, which is the ...
A set of numbers a_0, a_1, ..., a_(m-1) (mod m) form a complete set of residues, also called a covering system, if they satisfy a_i=i (mod m) for i=0, 1, ..., m-1. For ...
A labeling phi of (the vertices) of a graph G with positive integers taken from the set {1,2,...,r} is said to be r-distinguishing if no graph automorphism of G preserves all ...
The double graph of a given graph G is constructed by making two copies of G (including the initial edge set of each) and adding edges u_1v_2 and v_1u_2 for every edge uv of ...
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