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A triangle ABC formed by three circular arcs. By extending the arcs into complete circles, the points of intersection A^', B^', and C^' are obtained. This gives the three ...
A coequalizer of a pair of maps f,g:X->Y in a category is a map c:Y->C such that 1. c degreesf=c degreesg, where degrees denotes composition. 2. For any other map c^':Y->C^' ...
A module having dual properties with respect to a free module, as enumerated below. 1. Every free module is projective; every cofree module is injective. 2. For every module ...
The subset C of the Euclidean plane formed by the union of the x-axis, the line segment with interval [0,1] of the y-axis, and the sequence of segments with endpoints (1/n,0) ...
The complexity of a process or algorithm is a measure of how difficult it is to perform. The study of the complexity of algorithms is known as complexity theory. In general, ...
Every finite group G of order greater than one possesses a finite series of subgroups, called a composition series, such that I<|H_s<|...<|H_2<|H_1<|G, where H_(i+1) is a ...
A congruent number can be defined as an integer that is equal to the area of a rational right triangle (Koblitz 1993). Numbers (a,x,y,z,t) such that {x^2+ay^2=z^2; ...
Two elements alpha, beta of a field K, which is an extension field of a field F, are called conjugate (over F) if they are both algebraic over F and have the same minimal ...
The following conditions are equivalent for a conservative vector field on a particular domain D: 1. For any oriented simple closed curve C, the line integral ∮_CF·ds=0. 2. ...
A plot of equipotential curves. If desired, the regions between contours can be shaded or colored to indicate their magnitude. Contour plots are implemented in the Wolfram ...
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