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1511 - 1520 of 2374 for set asideSearch Results
The map H_n(X,A)->H_(n-1)(A) appearing in the long exact sequence of a pair axiom.
A topological space.
A field of extremals is a plane region which is simply connected by a one-parameter family of extremals. The concept was invented by Weierstrass.
A property of a space which is also true of each of its subspaces. Being "first-countable" is hereditary, but having a given genus is not.
alpha is called a predecessor if there is no ordinal number beta such that beta+1=alpha.
A reflexive relation.
Let A and B_j be sets. Conditional probability requires that P(A intersection B_j)=P(A)P(B_j|A), (1) where intersection denotes intersection ("and"), and also that P(A ...
A map is called bijective if it is both injective and surjective. A bijective map is also called a bijection. A function f admits an inverse f^(-1) (i.e., "f is invertible") ...
Every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of sets. The theorem is equivalent to the maximal ideal theorem, which can be proved without using the axiom of ...
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