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In continuum theory, a dendrite is a locally connected continuum that contains no simple closed curve. A semicircle is therefore a dendrite, while a triangle is not. The term ...
The Descartes snarks are a set of snarks on 210 vertices and 315 edges discovered by William Tutte in 1948 writing under the pseudonym Blanche Descartes (Descartes 1948; ...
A right triangle whose legs are in the ratio 2:1 is sometimes known as a "dom," a name derived from "half a domino." The name was suggested by Andrew Clarke and preferred in ...
Let C be a smooth geometrically connected projective curve over F_q with q=p^s a prime power. Let infty be a fixed closed point of X but not necessarily F_q-rational. A ...
The group of an elliptic curve which has been transformed to the form y^2=x^3+ax+b is the set of K-rational points, including the single point at infinity. The group law ...
A functor is said to be faithful if it is injective on maps. This does not necessarily imply injectivity on objects. For example, the forgetful functor from the category of ...
A field automorphism of a field F is a bijective map sigma:F->F that preserves all of F's algebraic properties, more precisely, it is an isomorphism. For example, complex ...
A graph is a forbidden subgraph if its presence as a subgraph of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. For example, a bipartite graph is a graph ...
The frame bundle on a Riemannian manifold M is a principal bundle. Over every point p in M, the Riemannian metric determines the set of orthonormal frames, i.e., the possible ...
The tabulation of raw data obtained by dividing it into classes of some size and computing the number of data elements (or their fraction out of the total) falling within ...
