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A general set of methods for integrating ordinary differential equations. Predictor-corrector methods proceed by extrapolating a polynomial fit to the derivative from the ...
The Prelle-Singer method is a semi-decision procedure for solving nonlinear first-order ordinary differential equations of the form y^'=P(x,y)/Q(x,y), where P and Q are ...
A formula of first-order logic is in prenex normal form if it is of the form Q_1x_1...Q_nx_nM, (1) where each Q_i is a quantifier forall ("for all") or exists ("exists") and ...
For X a topological space, the presheaf F of Abelian groups (rings, ...) on X is defined such that 1. For every open subset U subset= X, an Abelian group (ring, ...) F(U), ...
A presheaf C of categories consists of the following data: 1. For every local homeomorphism f:Y->X of topological spaces X, Y, a category C(f:Y->X); 2. For every diagram f ...
A pretzel graph is a graph with graph genus 3 (West 2000, p. 266). Planar, toroidal graphs, and double-toroidal graphs are therefore not pretzel. Examples of pretzel graphs ...
A topological transformation in which a surface is made out of an infinitely elastic material which, however, may not be torn or cut. Using this simple prescription gives the ...
Consider a bivariate normal distribution in variables x and y with covariance rho=rho_(11)=<xy>-<x><y> (1) and an arbitrary function g(x,y). Then the expected value of the ...
A short set of data that proves the primality of a number. A certificate can, in general, be checked much more quickly than the time required to generate the certificate. ...
An integer N which is a product of distinct primes and which satisfies 1/N+sum_(p|N)1/p=1 (Butske et al. 1999). The first few are 2, 6, 42, 1806, 47058, ... (OEIS A054377). ...
