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The set of natural numbers (the positive integers Z-+ 1, 2, 3, ...; OEIS A000027), denoted N, also called the whole numbers. Like whole numbers, there is no general agreement ...
NAND, also known as the Sheffer stroke, is a connective in logic equivalent to the composition NOT AND that yields true if any condition is false, and false if all conditions ...
A predicate in logic equivalent to the composition NOT OR that yields false if any condition is true, and true if all conditions are false. A NOR B is equivalent to !(A v B), ...
An connective in logic which converts true to false and false to true. NOT A is denoted !A, ¬A, A^_ (Simpson 1987, p. 537) or ∼A (Carnap 1958, p. 7; Mendelson 1997, p. 12). ...
NAND, also known as the Sheffer stroke, is a connective in logic equivalent to the composition NOT AND that yields true if any condition is false, and false if all conditions ...
The Napoleon-Feuerbach cubic is the pivotal isogonal cubic with nine-point center N as the pivot point. It therefore has trilinear equation ...
The first Napoleon point N is the concurrence of lines drawn between vertices of a given triangle DeltaABC and the opposite vertices of the corresponding inner Napoleon ...
The Narayan number N(n,k) for n=1, 2, ... and k=1, ..., n gives a solution to several counting problems in combinatorics. For example, N(n,k) gives the number of expressions ...
Polynomials s_k(x;a) which form the Sheffer sequence for g(t) = ((e^t-1)/t)^(-a) (1) f(t) = e^t-1 (2) which have generating function ...
A Nash equilibrium of a strategic game is a profile of strategies (s_1^*,...,s_n^*), where s_i^* in S_i (S_i is the strategy set of player i), such that for each player i, ...
