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A Lucas polynomial sequence is a pair of generalized polynomials which generalize the Lucas sequence to polynomials is given by W_n^k(x) = ...
When P and Q are integers such that D=P^2-4Q!=0, define the Lucas sequence {U_k} by U_k=(a^k-b^k)/(a-b) for k>=0, with a and b the two roots of x^2-Px+Q=0. Then define a ...
The Lucas tangents triangle (a term coined here for the first time) is the triangle DeltaT_AT_BT_C formed by the pairwise tangents of the Lucas circles of a given reference ...
An n-step Lucas sequence {L_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting L_k^((n))=-1 for k<0, L_0^((n))=n, and other terms according to the linear recurrence equation ...
Lucas's theorem states that if n>=3 be a squarefree integer and Phi_n(z) a cyclotomic polynomial, then Phi_n(z)=U_n^2(z)-(-1)^((n-1)/2)nzV_n^2(z), (1) where U_n(z) and V_n(z) ...
A theorem that can be stated either in the language of abstract algebraic curves or transcendental extensions. For an abstract algebraic curve, if x and y are nonconstant ...
The first few numbers not known to produce palindromes when applying the 196-algorithm (i.e., a reverse-then-add sequence) are sometimes known as Lychrel numbers. This term ...
MANOVA ("multiple analysis of variance") is a procedure for testing the equality of mean vectors of more than two populations. The technique is analogous to ANOVA for ...
The M'Cay cubic Z(X_3) is a self-isogonal cubic given by the locus of all points whose pedal circle touches the nine-point circle, or equivalently, the locus of all points P ...
The MacBeath circumconic is the dual conic to the MacBeath inconic, introduced in Dec. 2004 by P. Moses (Kimberling). It has circumconic parameters x:y:z=cosA:cosB:cosC, (1) ...
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