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The analytic summation of a hypergeometric series. Powerful general techniques of hypergeometric summation include Gosper's algorithm, Sister Celine's method, Wilf-Zeilberger ...
Given a hypergeometric series sum_(k)c_k, c_k is called a hypergeometric term (Koepf 1998, p. 12).
A hypergraph is a graph in which generalized edges (called hyperedges) may connect more than two nodes.
A measure algebra which has many properties associated with the convolution measure algebra of a group, but no algebraic structure is assumed for the underlying space.
A generalization of the matrix to an n_1×n_2×... array of numbers.
The term "hyperoctahedron" may refer to the 16-cell polytope in 4 dimensions, or more generally to an n-dimensional cross polytope.
A d-hyperoctant is one of the 2^d regions of space defined by the 2^d possible combinations of signs (+/-,+/-,...,+/-). The 2-hyperoctant is known as a quadrant and the ...
Let a_1, a_2, ..., a_n be scalars not all equal to 0. Then the set S consisting of all vectors X=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] in R^n such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=c for c a ...
A generalization of an ordinary two-dimensional surface embedded in three-dimensional space to an (n-1)-dimensional surface embedded in n-dimensional space. A hypersurface is ...
For x(0)=a, x = a/(a-2b)[(a-b)cosphi-bcos((a-b)/bphi)] (1) y = a/(a-2b)[(a-b)sinphi+bsin((a-b)/bphi)]. (2) If a/b=n, then x = 1/(n-2)[(n-1)cosphi-cos[(n-1)phi]a (3) y = ...
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