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Given two univariate polynomials of the same order whose first p coefficients (but not the first p-1) are 0 where the coefficients of the second approach the corresponding ...
The curvature and torsion functions along a space curve determine it up to an orientation-preserving isometry.
The abscissas of the N-point Gaussian quadrature formula are precisely the roots of the orthogonal polynomial for the same interval and weighting function.
Two unit-speed plane curves which have the same curvature differ only by a Euclidean motion.
Any collineation from P(V) to P(V), where V is a three-dimensional vector space, is associated with a semilinear map from V to V.
On a Riemannian manifold, there is a unique connection which is torsion-free and compatible with the metric. This connection is called the Levi-Civita connection.
Let t be an infinite word over a finite alphabet Sigma. Then there exists a uniformly recurrent infinite word r such that Sub(r) subset= Sub(t), where Sub(w) is the set of ...
A game which permits a draw ("tie") when played properly by both players. Tic-tac-toe, for example, is a futile game.
Let G be a group and S be a set. Then S is called a left G-set if there exists a map phi:G×S->S such that phi(g_1,phi(g_2,s))=phi(g_1g_2,s) for all s in S and all g_1,g_2 in ...
A G-space is a special type of T1-Space. Consider a point x and a homeomorphism of an open neighborhood V of x onto an open set of R^n. Then a space is a G-space if, for any ...
