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Bit rate (i.e., bits per second, abbreviated bps) is a measure of the number of data bits (digital 0s and 1s) transmitted each second in a digital communications channel. If ...
The qubit |psi>=a|0>+b|1> can be represented as a point (theta,phi) on a unit sphere called the Bloch sphere. Define the angles theta and phi by letting a=cos(theta/2) and ...
The Wolfram Physics Project posits the existence of abstract relations between atoms of space whose pattern defines the structure of physical space. In this approach, two ...
The Byzantine generals problem considers a computer with many programs running, some of them possibly unfriendly, and asks how the computer can function properly. More ...
Any computable function can be incorporated into a program using while-loops (i.e., "while something is true, do something else"). For-loops (which have a fixed iteration ...
Computation time (also called "running time") is the length of time required to perform a computational process. Representation a computation as a sequence of rule ...
In machine learning theory and artificial intelligence, a concept c over a domain X is a Boolean function c:X->{0,1}. A collection of concepts is called a concept class. In ...
A recursively enumerable set A is creative if its complement is productive. Creative sets are not recursive. The property of creativeness coincides with completeness. Namely, ...
A Turing machine is called deterministic if there is always at most one instruction associated with a given present internal state/tape state pair (q,s). Otherwise, it is ...
An algorithm which allows digits of a given number to be calculated without requiring the computation of earlier digits. The BBP formula for pi is the best-known such ...
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