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The torsion of a space curve, sometimes also called the "second curvature" (Kreyszig 1991, p. 47), is the rate of change of the curve's osculating plane. The torsion tau is ...
With n cuts of a torus of genus 1, the maximum number of pieces which can be obtained is N(n)=1/6(n^3+3n^2+8n). The first few terms are 2, 6, 13, 24, 40, 62, 91, 128, 174, ...
The term "total curvature" is used in two different ways in differential geometry. The total curvature, also called the third curvature, of a space curve with line elements ...
There are at least two meanings of the term "total derivative" in mathematics. The first is as an alternate term for the convective derivative. The total derivative is the ...
For a graph G and a subset S^t of the vertex set V(G), denote by N_G^t[S^t] the set of vertices in G which are adjacent to a vertex in S^t. If N_G^t[S^t]=V(G), then S^t is ...
The total domination number gamma_t of a graph is the size of a smallest total dominating set, where a total dominating set is a set of vertices of the graph such that all ...
The total graph T(G) of a graph G has a vertex for each edge and vertex of G and an edge in T(G) for every edge-edge, vertex-edge, and vertex-vertex adjacency in G ...
Given a complex measure mu, there exists a positive measure denoted |mu| which measures the total variation of mu, also sometimes called simply "total variation." In ...
A total order (or "totally ordered set," or "linearly ordered set") is a set plus a relation on the set (called a total order) that satisfies the conditions for a partial ...
A square matrix is said to be totally positive if the determinant of any square submatrix, including the minors, is positive. For instance, any 2×2 matrix whose determinant ...
