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A negative semidefinite matrix is a Hermitian matrix all of whose eigenvalues are nonpositive. A matrix m may be tested to determine if it is negative semidefinite in the ...
A polynomial with matrix coefficients. An nth order matrix polynomial in a variable t is given by P(t)=A_0+A_1t+A_2t^2+...+A_nt^n, where A_k are p×p square matrices.
The identity matrix is a the simplest nontrivial diagonal matrix, defined such that I(X)=X (1) for all vectors X. An identity matrix may be denoted 1, I, E (the latter being ...
Given a set V of m vectors (points in R^n), the Gram matrix G is the matrix of all possible inner products of V, i.e., g_(ij)=v_i^(T)v_j. where A^(T) denotes the transpose. ...
An n×m matrix A^- is a 1-inverse of an m×n matrix A for which AA^-A=A. (1) The Moore-Penrose matrix inverse is a particular type of 1-inverse. A matrix equation Ax=b (2) has ...
A square matrix with constant skew diagonals. In other words, a Hankel matrix is a matrix in which the (i,j)th entry depends only on the sum i+j. Such matrices are sometimes ...
A square matrix A is a normal matrix if [A,A^(H)]=AA^(H)-A^(H)A=0, where [a,b] is the commutator and A^(H) denotes the conjugate transpose. For example, the matrix [i 0; 0 ...
A projection matrix P is an n×n square matrix that gives a vector space projection from R^n to a subspace W. The columns of P are the projections of the standard basis ...
An antisymmetric matrix, also known as a skew-symmetric or antimetric matrix, is a square matrix that satisfies the identity A=-A^(T) (1) where A^(T) is the matrix transpose. ...
A positive semidefinite matrix is a Hermitian matrix all of whose eigenvalues are nonnegative. A matrix m may be tested to determine if it is positive semidefinite in the ...
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