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341 - 350 of 1221 for rotation matrixSearch Results

The conjugate gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of the Lanczos method for positive definite symmetric systems. The minimal residual method and symmetric LQ ...
The Golay code is a perfect linear error-correcting code. There are two essentially distinct versions of the Golay code: a binary version and a ternary version. The binary ...
A method for finding solutions u and v to a linear congruence au+bv=d by constructing a matrix formed by adjoining a vector containing a and b with a unit matrix, M=[a 1 0; b ...
The eigenvalues of a graph are defined as the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. The set of eigenvalues of a graph is called a graph spectrum. The largest eigenvalue ...
An (m+1)-dimensional subspace W of an (n+1)-dimensional vector space V can be specified by an (m+1)×(n+1) matrix whose rows are the coordinates of a basis of W. The set of ...
An orthogonal transformation is a linear transformation T:V->V which preserves a symmetric inner product. In particular, an orthogonal transformation (technically, an ...
Bourque and Ligh (1992) conjectured that the least common multiple matrix on a GCD-closed set S is nonsingular. This conjecture was shown to be false by Haukkanen et al. ...
The all-pairs shortest path problem is the determination of the shortest graph distances between every pair of vertices in a given graph. The problem can be solved using n ...
Consider the characteristic equation |lambdaI-A|=lambda^n+b_1lambda^(n-1)+...+b_(n-1)lambda+b_n=0 (1) determining the n eigenvalues lambda of a real n×n square matrix A, ...
A p-variate multivariate normal distribution (also called a multinormal distribution) is a generalization of the bivariate normal distribution. The p-multivariate ...
